
Friday, February 25, 2011

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice!

I had my sonogram this week on my birthday and there she was - our sweet baby - a GIRL!  I have to say that we were pretty sure it was a girl all along, but to actually hear it was still suprising and amazing.  I was in tears and Mike was beaming from ear to ear. 

The neat part about this sonogram was that when the baby moved I actually could feel her move and see her move on the screen.  Wow, what a feeling! Her kicks have been getting stronger and stronger.  Mike was able to feel her move around week 18.  Mom and dad both got to feel her move too...on the day that we found out mom beat breast cancer!  Praise God! And their little grandbaby knew it was a day to be happy and give them some love.

I am 22 weeks now and feel like my belly is getting bigger every day.  I have had this bizarre fascination with my belly button.  It is starting to flatten out and I have just never seen it look that way.  It is so funny!  My appetite has hit full throttle.  I am hungry for sweets all the time - quite different then first trimester when I was all about salty.  I swear I could eat an entire cake in one sitting if you would let me.  But then I would have acid reflux which has been my foe lately at night time.  I've been sleeping with two pillows to prop me up so that my food doesn't climb up my throat. 

Mike has been worried about me sleeping on my back at night - his concern is very cute!  He actually suggested that I wear a belly band at night and put a tennis ball in it on my back so that I won't roll on my back. HA! No.  Instead I have been sleeping between two pillows so that I am forced to be on my side.  Never knew nights as a pregnant woman would be so fun! :)

Katie and I went shopping for some pink girly clothes after we found out about baby Wedman.  It was so fun to get out and actually buy some things for baby.  Girls have the most fun outfits to choose from!  I made my first purchase for our little girl - a little dress from Target that has ruffles and pink/green flowers and says "Mommie's Little Cutie".  I brought it home and Mike held it up and said "Our baby is going to FIT in THIS?"  It was sooo tiny.  I can't wait for a little baby to fill those clothes out.

I'll post sonogram pictures soon....