
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

28 week Sonogram

Today's sonogram was unbelievable!  The technician switched to 3D for a couple of minutes and it was as if she came to life. 
I think she has Mike's chin in this picture.

Waving and smiling :)

Soooo sweet.  Melts my heart.
Basic sono profile pic

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Third Trimester!

This week brings the final trimester of my pregnancy.  I am so excited to be at this point and so thankful that things have gone fairly smooth thus far (knock on wood!).  I am feeling great and still have a lot of energy.  I have noticed that my sweet tooth craving has grown somewhat out of control and that my body is definitely working to adapt to this bigger version of Annie. 
Baby girl is very active and its reassuring to feel her sweet little kicks, knowing that she is still in there and doing good :)  We have another sonogram next week and I am looking forward to "seeing" her again.
Life in the Wedman household has calmed down quite a bit lately, which has been nice.  We have decided that will stay in the Prairie Village rental house until the house we are building in Lawrence is ready for us to move into.  I am hoping we will be in the new house by next October.  So I can at least feel like our current house is "home" for now and work on putting together a nursery (which I am SO excited about!).  The nesting instinct is kicking in big time right now.  Its pretty crazy to think how soon we will have a new little daughter.  I can't wait!
Hayley Nursery Bedding
The bedding I am hoping to get from Pottery Barn.

26 weeks

27 Weeks

Looking "normal" in my post walk clothes at 28 weeks :)