
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

13 Week Sonogram - A Girl??

The doctor wanted us to come back in a week after the bleeding just to check on everything and make sure we looked okay.  We were told everything looks great and that I still had some blood in my uterus but that was normal.  It made me feel a lot better to hear that word, "normal", because I have felt like this pregnancy has been anything but that.
We asked the sonographer to predict the gender and she said it was still to early to tell - but that she thinks the baby is a GIRL! You should've seen Mike's face...haha.  It was as if that could not be possible, how could the baby be a girl? I was really excited.  I think we will find out next time we are getting our sono - probably a month from now.
We moved our stuff into the PV house yesterday.  I shouldn't say "we" because I didn't do anything, I was way too exhausted.  Thank goodness for my mom & sister they helped me out a ton and were amazing!  The house is smaller and a lot older than I am used to - I have been spoiled with new houses most of my life.  Its going to take some getting used to.  The small spaces are going to make it difficult to stay organized.  But I will try my best!
We do have the cutest little room connected to our master bedroom for baby.  It will be fun to get that decorated.
Here are some pictures from the sonogram of Baby "Girl" :)
2.5 inches crown to rump - 13 weeks old
Feet - pigeon toed just like her mama

Sweet baby

Fetal position - look at those leg muscles!

Grandad would say this is the "spook" picture.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Notes & Memories from the First Trimester

-Testing for pregnancy for weeks and not getting a positive
-Finding out we were pregnant by sonogram
-Having to keep the secret through our Halloween party
-Telling my family on Halloween and my dad calling the baby a "spook"
-First bout of queasiness on Nov. 1st (right around 6 weeks)
-Early on wanting only bland foods.  Cheese, carbs, cinnamon rolls, biscuits. NO MEAT
-Eating only a biscuit for dinner one evening.
-Poor Mike dealing with me always being cranky.
-Making it through Mary's bachelorette party and wedding as maid of honor pretending to be drinking.  Thanks to lots of help from Katie I tricked them all!
-Being told we had a July 4th due date - and expecting a little fire cracker baby!
-Fatigue settles in and doesn't let up.  Going to bed early.  Never seeing an entire KU game. 10 hours of sleep/night minimum.
-Hating the smell of meat loaf & quiznos subs.
-Upset stomach all day long.  Nothing really helps.
-Getting to see the baby move around about 10 weeks.  So amazing and adorable! Moving the due date to June 30.
-Eating a hard boiled egg every day at work for my snack after breakfast.
-Beginning to crave meat...and anything salty.  One morning woke up early, rolled over to Mike and said "would you get me some bacon?" Of course he did.
-Craving goodcents subs and eating them at least 3 times a week.  Extra lettuce.  Love the vinegar.
-Craving chinese...again, salty.
-And cheeseburgers.
-Almost passing out in church and having to leave early.
-I could be found lying on the couch with the KU Snuggie most every point of the day that I didn't have to be at work.
-Not working out - at all.
-Mike making all of the grocery runs.  And running out for special cravings.  Sweet husband.
-Selling the house! Renting a house in PV the next week.  Moving date is set prior to Dec. 27th.
-Telling Lindsey, Katherine, and Ashley as well as extended family the good news.  SO fun to finally share with people.  Right around week 10.
-Heard the baby's heart beat about week 12.  Amazing how fast it was.  And being paranoid about having to get a RhoGam shot.
-2 days later a trip to the ER (12/15).  Scared from all of the bleeding.  Unbelievable relief that the baby was just fine. Sono showed a June 27th due date.
-Waking up in the middle of the night and eating waffles.
-Fatigue just won't let up - looking forward to some energy and smoother sailing in the second trimester.
-Mom helping us pack for the move.
-Christmas right around the corner.
-In love with little Wedman. So happy.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Heart Beat and Bacon

It was so amazing to hear that tiny little heart beat.  To think that I have two hearts in my body makes me smile.  The babies heart was a LOT faster than mine.  That little one is working so hard to grow.  Baby Wedman is about 3 inches now (the size of a credit card) and I am about 12 weeks.  I have my fingers crossed that I am starting to come out of the first trimester fog.  I am ready for more energy! I haven't worked out in forever because it simply sounds horrible.  My body and mind are missing that release that comes with sweating and working hard.
Our lease for our cute Cape Cod in Prairie Village starts tomorrow.  We'll probably start to move things in the end of this week and beginning of next week. I haven't had any desire to Christmas shop or to pack up our house.  I guess those will both be VERY last minute things.
Lately I have been craving MEAT...the saltier the better.  Preferably bacon.  I had a filet the other night from Longhorns and it was absolutely delightful.  Followed by a chocolate dip cone from DQ and in bed by 8:30.  This was a Friday night - perfect in my book :)
7419 EL MONTE Street, Prairie Village, KS
The house we are renting!

7419 EL MONTE Street, Prairie Village, KS
I love the patio and screened in porch

Friday, December 3, 2010

10 Weeks Sonogram

Last night we had our 3rd sonogram and it was definitely the most exciting!  We got see the little one MOVING around.  It made everything so REAL.  For the past couple of weeks getting through the daily nausea has been a real chore.  Seeing that tiny baby move made it all worth while.  It was the cutest thing ever!  Our little baby would be laying on it's stomach and then it would turn over onto its back and flex its little arms.  We got to see its teensy hands - too much to handle! Its little heart was beating just a million miles an hour and we could see its little facial features like its jaw starting to take place.  I wonder what that jaw is going to look like? Ha, have you seen Mike's?? Ya, I don't have a chance in giving the baby my jaw :) That Wedman trait is too strong I think.  We got some great pictures that I am going to figure out how to post.  And we are finally strating to let the word out! Our doctor said that the sonogram went so well and everything looks fantastic and that we should feel free to spread the word. Phew! Also, they told us that the baby was measuring closer to 10 weeks (older than they thought) and the due date was now projected to be June 30th.
I am going to get sonos every 4 weeks because of my irregular uterus - but thats okay, just more chances to take a peek at little Wedman.
Laying on his back.

Teddy Bear pose.

Little hands!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Feelin' Good

I had to get on here and record this moment - for the first time in about 4 weeks I am feeling somewhat normal. Most days I have an upset stomach all day long that really interferes with my emotions and attitude.  I tend to not be able to focus on much else than just feeling bad.  I am really wondering if it could be because I am getting to the tail end of the first trimester or if it is just a fluke and I will feel bad tomorrow.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Tomorrow we have our sonogram...will update more after.