
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

13 Week Sonogram - A Girl??

The doctor wanted us to come back in a week after the bleeding just to check on everything and make sure we looked okay.  We were told everything looks great and that I still had some blood in my uterus but that was normal.  It made me feel a lot better to hear that word, "normal", because I have felt like this pregnancy has been anything but that.
We asked the sonographer to predict the gender and she said it was still to early to tell - but that she thinks the baby is a GIRL! You should've seen Mike's face...haha.  It was as if that could not be possible, how could the baby be a girl? I was really excited.  I think we will find out next time we are getting our sono - probably a month from now.
We moved our stuff into the PV house yesterday.  I shouldn't say "we" because I didn't do anything, I was way too exhausted.  Thank goodness for my mom & sister they helped me out a ton and were amazing!  The house is smaller and a lot older than I am used to - I have been spoiled with new houses most of my life.  Its going to take some getting used to.  The small spaces are going to make it difficult to stay organized.  But I will try my best!
We do have the cutest little room connected to our master bedroom for baby.  It will be fun to get that decorated.
Here are some pictures from the sonogram of Baby "Girl" :)
2.5 inches crown to rump - 13 weeks old
Feet - pigeon toed just like her mama

Sweet baby

Fetal position - look at those leg muscles!

Grandad would say this is the "spook" picture.

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