
Thursday, January 13, 2011

4 Months!

Today marks 4 months of pregnancy.  Seems like by this point I should at least be half way through.  And no one ever told me that you are actually pregnant for 10 months because you have to go through 9 complete months.  Who knew??
This baby is trying to hold on to first trimester symptoms too - still feeling mostly nauseous and quite tired.  But my appetite has gotten better and I have learned that to stay a happy camper I need to eat at least every two hours.  My belly is starting to round out into a little bump.  None of my pants will button up anymore.  This makes it quite challenging on a day to day basis to figure out what to wear.  I seriously need to invest in some maternity pants.  I have been wearing one of those belly bands but it kind of bothers me all day long and I would rather not have to.
Baby would want me to wear sweat pants all the time if she could.  I wouldn't mind that one bit.  It is definitely the first thing I do when I get home - change out of whatever pants I am wearing into something comfortable.  And then I usually snack around and end up assuming my "position" on the couch until dinner.  I can't even remember the last time I made dinner.  Thats sad.  I just haven't had the energy or the time (by the time I get home from work there is NO waiting, only eating!).  Mike and I have had to piece together meals.  I feel bad but right now I just don't know what else to do.  Thankfully we have some great family that helps feed us and some really convenient restaurants nearby.
They say around this time (16 weeks - 20 weeks) you may be able to feel the baby move.  Supposedly it feels like "butterflies".  I seriously think I have felt baby move but I can't quite be sure.  I am excited for the day when I can and know its her!
We get our sonogram in a couple of weeks to let us know if this truly is a little girl.  At this point I would be really shocked if it was a boy.  I think I have just convinced myself that its a girl.  Katie thinks its a girl, Aunt Vic thinks its a girl, many random people have told me I'm having a girl.  And definitely because the sonogram lady said she thought it might be a girl - thats probably the main reason.  Anyways, I am just SO excited to find out!!


  1. SWEET little baby bump. 4 months - wowo! June will be here soon! Hugs mama

  2. I love my little baby girl :) I can't wait to find out!! You are such a cute little prego. So glad we got you some maternity jeans this weekend! Mom is right, June is right around the corner. Love you!
