
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's A.....

"IT" still....Baby Wedman decided to keep Mom, Dad and everyone else guessing for another month!

I had been counting down the days, hours, minutes for this day and we know just as much now as we did before the appointment.  The good, GREAT, news is that baby looked normal and HEALTHY!  Everything looked as it should.  I was even suprised when the sonographer said she wouldn't have known that my uterus was any different if I hadn't have told her.  That was a huge relief to me, I SO needed to hear that.
It was funny, the sonographer kept saying how the baby was all "curled" and "balled" up.  I asked if that meant that there wasn't enough room and she said "No, there is plenty of room.  The baby just seems to like to curl up."  I guess she is like her mama and enjoys staying warm and cozy (notice I am still calling "it" a "she" because I can be stubborn too!).  She also called the baby a "contortionist" because she had one of her arms up behind her head. Well, I guess its good that she is flexible?
When we got to looking at the babies "parts" we really couldn't see anything...which made me think GIRL.  But then there was this little "nub" or "notch" (as the sonogram lady called it) that made an appearance.  Which made me think, WHAT IS THAT? Could it be a BOY? And the sonographer said it was too early too tell. Sigh.....That she couldn't even make an educated guess.  Seriously? We got nuthin'.
So, I had my next appointment scheduled for none other than my birthday, Feb. 22. I guess it will be a fun birthday present!

1 comment:

  1. that little punkin' has a mind of it's own! patience is a virtue...........
