
Friday, December 3, 2010

10 Weeks Sonogram

Last night we had our 3rd sonogram and it was definitely the most exciting!  We got see the little one MOVING around.  It made everything so REAL.  For the past couple of weeks getting through the daily nausea has been a real chore.  Seeing that tiny baby move made it all worth while.  It was the cutest thing ever!  Our little baby would be laying on it's stomach and then it would turn over onto its back and flex its little arms.  We got to see its teensy hands - too much to handle! Its little heart was beating just a million miles an hour and we could see its little facial features like its jaw starting to take place.  I wonder what that jaw is going to look like? Ha, have you seen Mike's?? Ya, I don't have a chance in giving the baby my jaw :) That Wedman trait is too strong I think.  We got some great pictures that I am going to figure out how to post.  And we are finally strating to let the word out! Our doctor said that the sonogram went so well and everything looks fantastic and that we should feel free to spread the word. Phew! Also, they told us that the baby was measuring closer to 10 weeks (older than they thought) and the due date was now projected to be June 30th.
I am going to get sonos every 4 weeks because of my irregular uterus - but thats okay, just more chances to take a peek at little Wedman.
Laying on his back.

Teddy Bear pose.

Little hands!

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