
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's A.....

"IT" still....Baby Wedman decided to keep Mom, Dad and everyone else guessing for another month!

I had been counting down the days, hours, minutes for this day and we know just as much now as we did before the appointment.  The good, GREAT, news is that baby looked normal and HEALTHY!  Everything looked as it should.  I was even suprised when the sonographer said she wouldn't have known that my uterus was any different if I hadn't have told her.  That was a huge relief to me, I SO needed to hear that.
It was funny, the sonographer kept saying how the baby was all "curled" and "balled" up.  I asked if that meant that there wasn't enough room and she said "No, there is plenty of room.  The baby just seems to like to curl up."  I guess she is like her mama and enjoys staying warm and cozy (notice I am still calling "it" a "she" because I can be stubborn too!).  She also called the baby a "contortionist" because she had one of her arms up behind her head. Well, I guess its good that she is flexible?
When we got to looking at the babies "parts" we really couldn't see anything...which made me think GIRL.  But then there was this little "nub" or "notch" (as the sonogram lady called it) that made an appearance.  Which made me think, WHAT IS THAT? Could it be a BOY? And the sonographer said it was too early too tell. Sigh.....That she couldn't even make an educated guess.  Seriously? We got nuthin'.
So, I had my next appointment scheduled for none other than my birthday, Feb. 22. I guess it will be a fun birthday present!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Boulder & Maternity Jeans

We decided to use our long weekend to take a quick trip up to Boulder.  I surprised Mike and told him the night before we left.  I knew he would be so excited - he really was aching to get up there and snow board.  Katie and I literally decided to take the trip the day before we left.  It worked out that our wonderful "Aunt Jannie" let us stay in her amazing house in Boulder.  So we packed up and left Friday afternoon (long 9 hour drive!) and the boys were able to hit the slopes in Vail all day Saturday.  Katie and I ate and shopped and napped.  It was marvelous! On Sunday we all enjoyed bumming around town together.  It was a fun, spontaneous getaway.  I know I won't be able to do much of that in the near future so I'm glad we got to do it!
While we were shopping Katie and I decided it was time for me to get maternity jeans.  Probably because my old jeans which I have been trying to fit into for the last couple weeks were becoming really uncomfortable and I was now no longer able to get the zipper up.  I was walking around with unzipped, unbuttoned jeans and wearing a long shirt to cover it up.  It. was. time.  So, we headed off to the mall and found a Gap maternity.  I tried on a couple pairs and found that I really liked the ones that had the elastic waistband that had a lot of give.  I liked them so much that there was no way I was going to be putting my old jeans back on.  I went to the check out wearing the new pair and it was pretty hilarious when I had to lift my leg up onto the counter so they could remove the security device that was down by my ankle.  The customers in line sure got a kick out of it.  Mission accomplished!
Today is a snowy day, we got about 8 inches last night.  It took me almost 2 hours to drive the 20 minute commute home from work last night. Ugh! I can't imagine how long it would've taken me to get to Lawrence so I should feel thankful.  I am working from home today, which is a huge convenience of my new job.
5 more days until our next sono! I can't WAIT to find out!!
Pub crawling on Pearl St...with water for Annie.
Thats a NICE boulder.
Best meal ever..minus the fact that I couldn't eat oysters.
Aunt Katie givin love to Baby W.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

4 Months!

Today marks 4 months of pregnancy.  Seems like by this point I should at least be half way through.  And no one ever told me that you are actually pregnant for 10 months because you have to go through 9 complete months.  Who knew??
This baby is trying to hold on to first trimester symptoms too - still feeling mostly nauseous and quite tired.  But my appetite has gotten better and I have learned that to stay a happy camper I need to eat at least every two hours.  My belly is starting to round out into a little bump.  None of my pants will button up anymore.  This makes it quite challenging on a day to day basis to figure out what to wear.  I seriously need to invest in some maternity pants.  I have been wearing one of those belly bands but it kind of bothers me all day long and I would rather not have to.
Baby would want me to wear sweat pants all the time if she could.  I wouldn't mind that one bit.  It is definitely the first thing I do when I get home - change out of whatever pants I am wearing into something comfortable.  And then I usually snack around and end up assuming my "position" on the couch until dinner.  I can't even remember the last time I made dinner.  Thats sad.  I just haven't had the energy or the time (by the time I get home from work there is NO waiting, only eating!).  Mike and I have had to piece together meals.  I feel bad but right now I just don't know what else to do.  Thankfully we have some great family that helps feed us and some really convenient restaurants nearby.
They say around this time (16 weeks - 20 weeks) you may be able to feel the baby move.  Supposedly it feels like "butterflies".  I seriously think I have felt baby move but I can't quite be sure.  I am excited for the day when I can and know its her!
We get our sonogram in a couple of weeks to let us know if this truly is a little girl.  At this point I would be really shocked if it was a boy.  I think I have just convinced myself that its a girl.  Katie thinks its a girl, Aunt Vic thinks its a girl, many random people have told me I'm having a girl.  And definitely because the sonogram lady said she thought it might be a girl - thats probably the main reason.  Anyways, I am just SO excited to find out!!