
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

We SOLD our house

I'm kind of thinking we're a little crazy right now for selling the custom built home we made for ourselves in Lawrence.  And even crazier that we have to be out of the house by December 27th!  But it's what we wanted...just didn't think it would happen like this...right after finding out we were expecting.  God is laughing at us right now and saying "I gave you want you wanted, so don't complain".  Very funny. 
So, our next challenge is to find where we want to live.  We really hadn't thought about it much because we hadn't had that much interest in the house until fairly recently.  We always were of the mind set that once we sell it we'll figure things out...well, here we are...figuring things out.  FAST.  We will probably rent in the Prairie Village/Fairway area.  Closer to Katie and Brian!  I'm really looking forward to it.  Mike and I have never lived outside of Lawrence together - I think this will be a big step in our relationship.  Right before we take the biggest step of our lives in July. 
I will be able to give up the commute!!!! I don't even know what it's going to feel like to have those 2 hours of my life back everyday.  Unfortunately, Mike will be making the haul back to Lawrence but maybe in time that will go away too.  Lots of change and fun to look forward to!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Little Fire Cracker!

We visited the doctor last week and finally have a due date - July 4, 2011! Mike came with me this time and we were able to check out the little monkey during a sonogram.  We got to see the heart beat, 122 beats per minute!  Everything looks good.  I'm about 7 weeks along and go back in 3 weeks for another check up.  Since my uterus is "uniquely shaped" - more of a heart shape than a triangle (the doctor says that just means I have a lot of extra love, I prefer that rationale) I have to have more frequent check ups than normal to make sure everything is going as planned.  Like a typical "first mom" I asked the doctor tons of questions about what I should and shouldn't be doing and she was great to answer all of them.  Hopefully when we go back in the doctor will give us the all clear to tell people about our exciting news.  It has been really hard keeping it from everyone and avoiding alcohol (I mean...I am KNOWN for always accepting a beer :) ).  I just pray that God keep this little baby safe and healthy.  And if He could work on the nausea that would be nice too.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Early Weeks

I had to find a way to give Mike the exciting news without giving it away over the phone. So I pretended that things didn't go well at the doctor's office and told him I wanted to meet him at home to talk about it.  I also told him I left my Hallmark badge at home and needed to get that too.  Mike got home before I did and looked for my badge and couldn't find it - so he had an idea of what was going on.  When I told him he was elated and said he KNEW! After keeping the impossibly difficult secret to ourselves for 5 days we were able to share it with our families.  Both were very excited.  The Willoughby's were shocked (Katie almost passed out) and the Wedman's were "on to us" :)
After both immediate families knew of our news I think the baby decided to make itself known to my body.  For over a week now I have had a constant upset stomach and food really hasn't sounded very good (Ya, I know what you are thinking...impossible! Annie is obsessed with food).  Honest to goodness nothing sounded pleasant to eat.  All that really made its way down my hatch was anything bland with cheese (pizza, quesadillas, toast, crackers, etc).  The thought of meat made me want to toss my cookies! One evening I did get a hankering for cinnamon rolls - so my sweet husband made a special trip to the store for me and thats what I ate for dinner.  I am trying to eat healthy but this upset stomach thing is really making that a challenge.  I wish I could ask some of my friend's who are moms and have been through this stage but since we aren't really telling anyone I am just having to rely on the internet for answers and that can be confusing and scary.  We are planning to wait until Christmastime to announce the good news.  I am getting really anxious and so is Mike.  This week we have sonogram.  I think I am about 7 weeks...but really am not sure.  Hope to find out more soon!

Friday, November 5, 2010

The News!

It was just about a week ago that we got the best news of our lives - we are EXPECTING (yes, a baby, a teeny tiny little baby)!! In fact, right now it is no bigger than a couple of centimeters.  It’s pretty hard to believe that a few centimeters are causing my body to react in some crazy ways!  Right now we are keeping this exciting news to ourselves and our immediate family….so, I completely realize that no one is reading this blog J  I just thought it would be nice to use this like a journal for me so that I don’t forget these early weeks. 
We have a pretty non-traditional story of how we “found out”.  I always thought I would be in my own bathroom after having peed on a stick and we would see those magical words Pregnant appear with my elated husband standing right next to me.  And we would cry together (well, I would cry) and relish the moment as a couple.  Not. So. Much….
I had gone 46…46!!...days without my monthly visitor and no sign of a positive home test.  My doctor told me that by then something should definitely be showing up if you are pregnant.  I questioned this, because with all my heart I wanted to be pregnant, but the results didn’t lie.   So, after a couple more weeks of confusing symptoms I contacted my doctor again and this time she said why don’t you come in for some testing.  They were thinking my thyroid could be causing problems or possibly I was under a lot of stress so my normal cycle was wacked out (which I did just start a new job and move into a new house…so this could be possible…but I didn’t feel  stressed). 
On Wednesday, Oct. 27th, with much anxiety about “what is wrong with me” I went to the doctor for an ultrasound.  They were using this method to dectect potential problems.  As I lay there in the dark getting my first ultrasound the fun began!  First the technician saw nothing, and then…WAIT…that little bitty black dot right there….that COULD be a gestational sac (a WHAT??)…but don’t get excited…I could be wrong.  What? A sac? Don’t get excited? And I try to act really calm but am freaking out.  Then before I knew it I was in a room with the doctor and she was saying I should take a pregnancy test…okay! After waiting 5 excruciating long minutes I was able to take the test and guess what? Yep, there in the doctor’s office it was POSITIVE!  Yay, tears, excitement! I couldn’t wait to give the good news to Mike but first I had to go get a blood test to see where my HGC levels were – this would give us a better indication of how old the baby was.  Of course the blood testing was in an entirely different building and I had to wait behind the slowest person in the world before I could get my blood drawn.  Finally with a prick in my arm and a picture of the ultrasound in my hand I hopped in the car to rush home and tell Mike.  My radio station was set on KLOVE (our local Christian music station).  I had been praying on the way to the doctor that we would get good news – boy did we!  As I turned on the car they were in the chorus of “Indescribable” by Chris Tomlin, this brought me to tears! It was true and amazing and perfect.  God works in wonderous ways and we are so very blessed.