
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Early Weeks

I had to find a way to give Mike the exciting news without giving it away over the phone. So I pretended that things didn't go well at the doctor's office and told him I wanted to meet him at home to talk about it.  I also told him I left my Hallmark badge at home and needed to get that too.  Mike got home before I did and looked for my badge and couldn't find it - so he had an idea of what was going on.  When I told him he was elated and said he KNEW! After keeping the impossibly difficult secret to ourselves for 5 days we were able to share it with our families.  Both were very excited.  The Willoughby's were shocked (Katie almost passed out) and the Wedman's were "on to us" :)
After both immediate families knew of our news I think the baby decided to make itself known to my body.  For over a week now I have had a constant upset stomach and food really hasn't sounded very good (Ya, I know what you are thinking...impossible! Annie is obsessed with food).  Honest to goodness nothing sounded pleasant to eat.  All that really made its way down my hatch was anything bland with cheese (pizza, quesadillas, toast, crackers, etc).  The thought of meat made me want to toss my cookies! One evening I did get a hankering for cinnamon rolls - so my sweet husband made a special trip to the store for me and thats what I ate for dinner.  I am trying to eat healthy but this upset stomach thing is really making that a challenge.  I wish I could ask some of my friend's who are moms and have been through this stage but since we aren't really telling anyone I am just having to rely on the internet for answers and that can be confusing and scary.  We are planning to wait until Christmastime to announce the good news.  I am getting really anxious and so is Mike.  This week we have sonogram.  I think I am about 7 weeks...but really am not sure.  Hope to find out more soon!

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