
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

We SOLD our house

I'm kind of thinking we're a little crazy right now for selling the custom built home we made for ourselves in Lawrence.  And even crazier that we have to be out of the house by December 27th!  But it's what we wanted...just didn't think it would happen like this...right after finding out we were expecting.  God is laughing at us right now and saying "I gave you want you wanted, so don't complain".  Very funny. 
So, our next challenge is to find where we want to live.  We really hadn't thought about it much because we hadn't had that much interest in the house until fairly recently.  We always were of the mind set that once we sell it we'll figure things out...well, here we are...figuring things out.  FAST.  We will probably rent in the Prairie Village/Fairway area.  Closer to Katie and Brian!  I'm really looking forward to it.  Mike and I have never lived outside of Lawrence together - I think this will be a big step in our relationship.  Right before we take the biggest step of our lives in July. 
I will be able to give up the commute!!!! I don't even know what it's going to feel like to have those 2 hours of my life back everyday.  Unfortunately, Mike will be making the haul back to Lawrence but maybe in time that will go away too.  Lots of change and fun to look forward to!

1 comment:

  1. Lots of wonderful change!! I am so excited to have you guys AND sweet baby wedman closer to me! It is going to be TOO much fun :) I love how God has such a wonderful sense of humor. He says "Ask and you shall receive"...he just never says WHEN.
